Health Inusrance Use-Cases: For Providers and Collaborators

Digital healthcare providers that work with insurers to deliver care can benefit from Sahha through passive insights. Partnerships with digital-focused healthcare providers and integrating technologies like Sahha into their offerings can create significant opportunities for insurers to focus on preventative care for their customers while also streamlining commercialization.

The value for providers collaborating with insurers

1. Digital Health and Wellness Platforms:

  • Personalized Wellness Programs: Partner with digital health platforms to offer personalized wellness programs to policyholders based on Sahha's Wellbeing Scores, encouraging healthier lifestyles and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Behavior-Driven Discounts: Collaborate with wellness platforms to offer policyholders discounts or rewards for maintaining specific well-being behaviors, as measured by Sahha's Behavioral Health Insights.
  • Real-time Wellness Coaching: Integrate Sahha with wellness platforms to provide real-time coaching and recommendations for improving mental health and well-being, ensuring policyholders have the support they need.

2. Telehealth and Telemedicine Providers:

  • Remote Health Monitoring: Partner with telehealth providers to offer remote health monitoring services for policyholders with chronic conditions, using Sahha's data to assess their well-being and make necessary adjustments to their care plans.
  • Mental Health Teletherapy: Collaborate with telemedicine platforms to provide mental health teletherapy sessions, supported by Sahha's Resilience Scores to tailor treatment plans and monitor patient progress.
  • Preventive Care Consultations: Leverage telehealth providers to conduct preventive care consultations, utilizing Sahha's Behavioral Health Insights to identify early signs of unhealthy behaviors and provide timely interventions.

3. Wearable Device Manufacturers:

  • Fitness and Health Tracking: Partner with wearable device manufacturers to offer policyholders discounts on fitness wearables, enabling them to track physical activity and health metrics, with data integrated into Sahha for personalized health insights.
  • Chronic Disease Management: Collaborate with wearables manufacturers to create specialized devices for chronic disease management, collecting relevant data for use with Sahha's API to monitor patients' well-being and treatment progress.
  • Mental Health Wearables: Integrate mental health-focused wearables with Sahha to provide policyholders with insights into their mental health resilience, helping them build emotional well-being and manage stress and anxiety.

4. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Providers:

  • Corporate Well-being Initiatives: Partner with EAP providers to design corporate well-being programs that use Sahha's insights to improve employee health and productivity, reducing absenteeism and healthcare costs.
  • Stress Management Services: Collaborate with EAP providers to offer stress management and mental health support, using Sahha's Resilience Scores to identify employees at risk and provide tailored interventions.
  • Return-to-Work Planning: Utilize EAP services alongside Sahha's insights to create return-to-work plans for employees recovering from illness or injury, ensuring a smooth transition while maintaining well-being.

5. Primary Care and Specialty Clinics:

  • Personalized Care Plans: Partner with healthcare clinics to develop personalized care plans for patients with chronic diseases, using Sahha's data-driven insights to adapt treatment approaches based on well-being metrics.
  • Mental Health Integration: Collaborate with mental health clinics to integrate Sahha's Resilience Scores into therapy and counseling sessions, enhancing the effectiveness of treatment and resilience-building.
  • Preventive Medicine Services: Work with primary care providers to offer preventive medicine services that use Sahha's insights to help patients proactively manage their health and reduce the risk of future health issues.

Example case study: Personalized Chronic Disease Management

A digital-focused healthcare provider partners with an insurer to create a comprehensive platform for managing chronic diseases such as diabetes. Patients with chronic conditions are equipped with smartphones and wearable devices that collect data on vital signs, physical activity, mental health and dietary habits through a Sahha integrated app. This data is securely transmitted to the healthcare provider's platform, which integrates Sahha's API to analyze the information.

Sahha's API provides health scores, offering insights into the patients' sleep, movement, and overall well-being. These scores are used to monitor the patients' progress and adapt their care plans in real-time. The insurer benefits from lower claims due to improved health outcomes, while the healthcare provider offers a highly personalized and data-driven approach to chronic disease management, resulting in healthier, more satisfied patients.